Whirlpool stoves and ranges may display error codes to indicate specific issues that require attention. Below are some of the most common error codes for Whirlpool stoves and their possible causes and solutions:
1. Error Code F1
Meaning: Electronic oven control (EOC) failure.
A malfunction in the control board.
Faulty wiring or connection.
Check the control board for any visible damage or faulty connections.
Reset the stove by unplugging it for a few minutes and then plugging it back in.
Replace the control board if necessary.
2. Error Code F2
Meaning: Oven temperature sensor failure.
Faulty temperature sensor.
Wiring issues to the temperature sensor.
Test the temperature sensor using a multimeter to check for continuity.
Replace the sensor if it’s defective.
Inspect the wiring between the sensor and control board.
3. Error Code F3
Meaning: Oven temperature too high (overheating).
A stuck or faulty thermostat.
Control board issues.
Check the thermostat for proper operation and replace it if necessary.
Inspect the control board for issues that may be causing the oven to overheat.
4. Error Code F4
Meaning: Open oven temperature sensor circuit.
A broken or disconnected temperature sensor.
Wiring issues.
Inspect the oven temperature sensor and its connections.
Replace the sensor if it’s damaged.
5. Error Code F5
Meaning: Door latch failure (usually for self-cleaning ovens).
Faulty door latch mechanism.
Broken or stuck door latch switch.
Inspect the door latch for damage or wear.
Replace the door latch or switch if necessary.
6. Error Code F7
Meaning: Invalid key press.
A malfunction in the touchpad or control board.
A stuck key on the touchpad.
Clean the touchpad to ensure no keys are stuck.
Reset the appliance by unplugging it for a few minutes.
If the issue persists, replace the control board or touchpad.
7. Error Code F8
Meaning: Oven control temperature sensor failure.
Faulty temperature sensor or probe.
Problems with the control board.
Test and replace the temperature sensor if it is defective.
Check the wiring and connections to the control board.
8. Error Code F9
Meaning: Door lock failure (in self-cleaning models).
A malfunction in the door lock motor.
A problem with the door lock switch.
Inspect the door lock motor and switch.
Test and replace the faulty components if necessary.
9. Error Code F10
Meaning: Oven overheating or an issue with the temperature sensor.
Faulty temperature sensor.
Control board failure.
Test the temperature sensor for faults.
Check the control board and replace if necessary.
10. Error Code F11
Meaning: Oven control board failure (communication error).
A malfunction or short circuit in the control board.
Faulty wiring.
Inspect the wiring and connections to the control board.
Replace the control board if faulty.
11. Error Code E1
Meaning: Oven door not properly closed.
The oven door is ajar or not latching properly.
A defective door latch or switch.
Make sure the door is closed properly.
Inspect the door latch or switch and replace if necessary.
12. Error Code E2
Meaning: Oven temperature too high.
A stuck or faulty thermostat.
Malfunctioning temperature sensor.
Replace the thermostat if it’s stuck or malfunctioning.
Test the temperature sensor and replace it if needed.
13. Error Code E3
Meaning: Control board communication error.
Loose or disconnected wiring to the control board.
Faulty control board.
Check for any loose connections or damaged wiring.
Replace the control board if the issue persists.
14. Error Code E4
Meaning: Self-cleaning cycle error.
Problems with the self-cleaning feature, such as a malfunctioning door lock.
A faulty temperature sensor during the cleaning cycle.
Inspect the door lock and temperature sensor.
Reset the oven or attempt a shorter cleaning cycle.
15. Error Code E5
Meaning: Oven control board or touchpad malfunction.
Control board or touchpad failure.
Keypad stuck or malfunctioning.
Clean the touchpad and ensure no keys are stuck.
Replace the touchpad or control board if necessary.
General Troubleshooting Tips:
Unplug and Reset: Often, unplugging the stove for 5–10 minutes can help reset the control board and resolve minor glitches.
Check Wiring: Inspect wiring for loose or disconnected cables, particularly around the control board and sensors.
Inspect Components: Test temperature sensors, thermostats, door latches, and other components using a multimeter to identify any failures.
Consult the Manual: Always refer to the user manual for specific error code definitions and troubleshooting instructions tailored to your Whirlpool stove model.
Call a Technician: If error codes persist or involve complex parts like the control board, consider contacting a professional technician for repairs.